Independent Review Office Joint Consultative Committee Meeting 28 February 2023
Your union and local delegates attended the first Joint Consultative Committee for 2023. At the meeting, the following items were discussed:
Recruitment Process
ILARS are about to appoint 1.6 FTE Principal Lawyers and some Principal Lawyers on contract have had their contracts extended. An IT position and a Policy Officer position are being filled and contract roles to full time roles in admin positions are ongoing.
Simon Cohen advised that all areas of IRO now have their PMES Action Plans on the Knowledge Portal with one focus of the IRO-wide plan being recruitment. An induction pack is being placed on the Knowledge Portal. DCS had assisted with providing a soft skills playlist which is now on the Knowledge Portal and this should be promoted to team members. Solutions are looking to train team members to assist in CTP as there are currently only 2 DROs with this expertise. IRO are creating a Pulse Survey with assistance from DCS People and Culture , and a copy of the survey will be provided to delegates for feedback.
Central Email Management System
PSA asked about the Centralised Email Management and what this might mean in terms of measuring staff. Simon Cohen will come back with more information on this but said that the purpose was not to performance manage team members. He has also asked for feedback on the implementation of CEM for next meeting and will take any information to the team working on the CEM release.
WH&S is a standing item on the agenda. We were advised that they are running late on the bathroom upgrade and are trying to address air con issues through WH&S. There will be more information at the next JCC.
The PSA would like to inform members of the upcoming member meetings and Joint Consultative Committee meetings for the year. The meetings will be held on Microsoft teams from 12pm-1pm.
- Tuesday 9 May – Members meeting
- Wednesday 31 May – JCC
- Wednesday 9 August – Members meeting
- Wednesday 30 August – JCC
- Thursday 9 November – Members meeting
- Wednesday 29 November – JCC
Members meeting login details via Teams.
Meeting ID: 479 960 810 682
Passcode: T7yBDg