IRO members meeting update
The PSA held a members meeting on Monday the 14 August 2023.
PSA Industrial Officer – Phoebe Dangerfield, gave an update to members on the 4 per cent salary increase and 0.5 per cent increase to superannuation. This is the biggest increase to Public Sector wages since 2003-04 and comes after years of campaigning and lobbying by your union. Without a strong union fighting on your behalf, you would not be receiving this pay increase.
Machinery of Government changes – no news yet, but they may come late this year or early next year as a result of the September budget.
Agenda items for the next JCC were identified as:
- ILARS A/g Manager position extension – no expression of interest,
- ILARS workloads with 2 Principal Lawyers gone, will the talent pool be used?
- More notice needed for Continuous Improvement/Resolve changes for training and UAT testing so business as usual has less disruption.
- PSA attendance at staff inductions.
PSA Training
The PSA training schedule has been updated for the courses all PSA members are able to attend. Members are entitled to 12 days of paid trade union training leave every 2 years. This can be found here