Justice Corporate Services Joint Consultative Committee
Justice Corporate Services Joint Consultative Committee – December 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA has a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) for Justice Corporate Services – Strategic Human Resources, Finance, Digital Technology Services, Business Support Centre, Office of the General Counsel, Justice Infrastructure and Assets, Audit and Risk.
JCCs are quarterly consultative meetings between the PSA and management which allow your union to formally raise collective workplace issues and progress industrial issues on behalf of members. JCC’s are minuted and result in agreed upon action items.
Your PSA staff and workplace delegates attend these JCCs.
The next Justice Corporate Services JCC is on 17 December 2018. If you would like the PSA to raise a collective issue send your feedback to your PSA Industrial Officer: Susan Emery- or PSA Organiser: Surabi Alauddin – .
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at: https://membership.psa.asn.au/register
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Get involved as a PSA Delegate or Contact: get in touch with your Organiser.
- Update your workplace details at – https://membership.psa.asn.au/
United we Bargain, Divided we Beg – a unionised workplace is a fairer one!