Juvenile Justice member update
Juvenile Justice member update – March 2018 (PDF version)
The PSA met on Thursday, 8 March and Friday, 9 March 2018 at Cobham and Frank Baxter Detention Centres to further discuss “common ground” in both the management and placement of high- risk/high-need detainees.
At both Cobham and Frank Baxter, there was a strong delegate involvement, providing in-depth insight into the specific needs relevant to each centre, with the overarching view of how can we safely manage this small, yet violent, cohort of detainees.
There has also been agreement between the PSA and Juvenile Justice that there must be scope for Acmena, Orana or Riverina to have similar schemes, particularly if there is a change in detainee behaviour, which increases risk to staff and young persons at any of these centres.
The Department has also agreed to hold a meeting at Reiby Detention Centre on 21 March 2018 to discuss management of their detainees.
The PSA has a further report before Chief Commissioner Kite on Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 9.30am with the view that there will be discussions on the issues tabled at each of the centres and how we formalise these into a safe working model.
We will update members further from proceedings within the IRC.