Legal Aid – Dispute in Grants Division
Legal Aid – Dispute in Grants Division – November 2018 (PDF version)
Following member dissatisfaction with the proposed open plan office and changes in delegations in the Grants Division, the PSA lodged a dispute in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. The matter was heard on Thursday, 1 November 2018.
At the IRC, the PSA put on record the lack of consultation afforded to members by Legal Aid. None of the PSA’s requests for meetings were replied to. Legal Aid also cancelled each of the past two regular consultative meetings between the PSA and Legal Aid.
It is unfortunate that a dispute had to be lodged in order for a meeting to be arranged.
At the IRC, Commissioner Sloan recommended the PSA and Legal Aid meet this week to discuss the concerns of the membership.
In relation to the specific work health and safety issues which members have raised about the open office plan, the PSA will be approaching SafeWork NSW.
While members have sent feedback recently, if there are further issues the PSA should know about, please contact PSA delegate Justin Hutchinson or your PSA staff. This includes any additional concerns from Grants Officers about delegations and duties.
Your PSA staff
Monika Wunderlin – Industrial Officer
Kirra Jackson – Organiser
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