Maitland management fails to communicate with staff on legitimate WHS hazards
A WHS hazard was brought to the PSA’s attention last month.
The issue concerned Collections Maitland staff being directed to cart their own office chairs and special office equipment to and from M1 and M2.
Some staff were rightly refusing to cart their equipment themselves, due to risk of injury.
For example, PSA members were advised they couldn’t get their chair to M2 and only take their special equipment which is impacting on their health, while other members were advised that it is too cumbersome to cart their own special equipment, and this is consequently impacting their health.
The PSA expressed its position at a recent Revenue JCC – stating these activities pose an unacceptable WHS risk for our members and that the matter needed immediate and urgent attention.
As a result of PSA pressure, management said it would take immediate steps to eliminate all WHS hazards. The employee relations team advised the PSA, “Staff have been advised that any overtime should be undertaken at their usual work location and as such there should be no need for any office equipment to be relocated between Maitland 1 and 2 for this purpose.”
Unfortunately, despite this advice from the DFSI employee relations team, local management has failed to communicate this message to staff.
Do our bosses even speak to each other?