More permanent jobs in NSW schools: PSA work pays off
After years of campaigning by the PSA, the NSW Government has announced it plans to increase the number of permanent positions for School Administrative and Support (SAS) staff. This coincides with a similar announcement for teachers in insecure positions.
The department is considering an offer that extends to school staff who have been employed on a temporary basis, either part- or full time, consecutively at a single school for three years or more and are engaged to work at the same school in 2023. The PSA believes this offer should be extended to all SAS staff employed consecutively by the Department of Education, not just those at a single school.
The PSA also expects that current long-term temporary SASS be maintained in employment until the details of this proposal are finalised and that members are given an opportunity to gain a permanent position.
The Government’s announcement coincides with the start of campaigning for the 2023 election campaign. The Labor Party has assured the PSA that it too will implement policies to reduce the number of SAS staff on temporary contracts.
The PSA has requested that consultation meetings continue to negotiate the process to be implemented in 2023 to enable thousands of PSA temporary School Learning Support Officers (SLSO) to finally gain permanency with the NSW Department of Education.
Any long-term temporary SAS staff PSA member with more than three years’ continuous service who is advised during this term that their contract will not be renewed in 2023 should contact the Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679 or to register their details. The PSA is only able to assist PSA members in this process.
Update your details
Due to the timing of the Government’s announcement, the PSA may need to contact you during the school holidays. Therefore, you may need to update your details with your union so the PSA can update you on a non-school email address.
Fill out the survey HERE to make sure your details are up to date.
The PSA has been meeting regularly with the Department and will keep members updated about developments. The department has indicated it wishes to communicate the final appointment process once agreement is reached with Unions in week 2 term 1 2023.
Join your union
This development is the result of years of negotiations and campaigning by your union, the PSA. Without the PSA fighting on members’ behalf, there would be no such offer.
If you or a colleague is yet to join, you can sign up HERE.