Apologies, there was confusion with the meeting details for yesterday’s bulletin, the details are as follows.
We have scheduled an Offender Services & Programs (OS&P) member’s meeting for Wednesday 8 of March at 10:30am via MS Teams. Please join the Chairperson of the Non Custodial Departmental Committee and OS&P Delegates, along with your PSA industrial staff for a discussion on the Towards 2030 reforms. We welcome any feedback or suggestions so that they can be raised with the department as part of the ongoing consultation process.
PSA OS&P Members Meeting Towards 2030 Reforms
10:30am Wednesday 8 March 2023
Via Microsoft Teams
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 461 381 431 227
Passcode: JM4dmf
Your PSA industrial staff
Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer
Your PSA representatives
Stewart Burkitt Secretary NCDC
Maggie Bolger OS&P North Coast, South West, South East
Michael Puzicha OS&P Central West, Hunter, North West
We have a vacancy on the NCDC for OS&P Central West, Hunter, North West. If you are interested in nominating, please forward your interest to .