Proposed Restructure: We Want to Hear from You - Public Service Association

Proposed Restructure: We Want to Hear from You

The PSA has been briefed by the Office of Sport regarding a proposed restructure that involves merging the Asset Management and Operations divisions into a new branch called Customer Operations.

We have reviewed the draft Change Management Plan and the proposed new structure. While there are no job losses, the proposal includes changes to reporting lines, the introduction of additional roles, and new Role Descriptions.

Immediate Action Required:

We urge all members to provide their feedback and concerns. Your insights are crucial for us to represent your interests effectively.

How to Provide Feedback:

If you have any feedback or concerns regarding the draft RMP, please contact member support at or call 1800 772 679. Feedback should be submitted to the PSA by COB Thursday 1 August 2024. Please quote reference number 223767.

Need Assistance? For members seeking advice or support, please reach out to our PSA Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679 or by emailing . Our team is ready to assist you with navigating changes in the workplace and understanding your rights.

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