PSA members, have your say: icare single Flexible Working Hours Agreement
Your union the PSA, has been negotiating with icare for a single Flexible Working Hours Agreement (FWHA). The icare single FWHA will replace the multiple agreements which are a legacy of the previous government agencies prior to the creation of icare.
After consultation with PSA delegates, members and icare management, the PSA seeks endorsement by members prior to the PSA General Secretary signing the agreement.
For a copy of the final draft agreement click HERE.
Important features of the proposed FWHA are:
- The FWHA provides more favourable flexitime conditions than your Award,
- The settlement period of 12 weeks with a carry-over of 42 hours is to offset the loss of banking provisions,
- Field Staff will have access to an extended bandwidth with no core-time,
- A schedule to allow by consent inclusion of future identified field roles into the agreement,
- Agreement that staff should not forfeit excess credit hours.
The PSA recommends this agreement for your endorsement.
Click here to have you say on the agreement.
Remember – only PSA Members get to have a say on the agreement.
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