Realignment/ Restructure Joint Consultative Committee (RJCC) PSA members’ bulletin - Public Service Association

Realignment/ Restructure Joint Consultative Committee (RJCC) PSA members’ bulletin

Realignment Restructure Joint Consultative Committee (RJCC) PSA Members Bulletin - Dec 2019 (PDF version)

This a report back to members following our regular fortnightly RJCC meeting with DCS on the progress of Restructure Management Plans (RMPs) resulting from the Machinery of Government changes. The last meeting was held on 28 November 2019.

Voluntary redundancies

The Department confirmed that it had placed a general embargo on declaring staff excess during the Christmas-New year period. There will be no exit dates until Mid-January unless early release is requested by the affected staff member.

Office of the Secretary RMP

The RMP has been finalised and was announced to staff on 14 November 2019. Assessment of staff to roles is in progress.


ICT area of CTD will move from Greg Wells to Jeannine Biviano. It is a lift and shift only and no jobs are impacted by the move. Staff were advised at a roadshow on 28 November.

People and Culture RMP

The RMP has been finalised and implementation has begun with most roles being directly appointed, except for in Talent and Diversity where there has been a requirement for assessment to a number of roles.

Staff transitioning from the Service NSW Salaries and Conditions Award 2018 following the finalisation of the Transfer Management Plan will be placed onto salary maintenance where their current salary is higher than that of the Crown Employees Public Sector Salaries Award 2019.

The Department also stated that any person due an increment within three months of their transfer would be recognised. The TMP now sets the minimum standard that the Department will apply for any such similar transfer of staff.

Any staff on temporary employment contracts will have their salary maintained for the remainder of their contract.

PSA members have raised issues with regard to loss of future entitlements as a result of the TMP which the PSA is currently looking into and will make further representation on behalf of members.

The Department confirmed that there were six roles that have/will be declared excess for the P&C RMP.

SIRA realignment

The review has been finalised and it is expected that an announcement will be made by next week.

Better Regulation Division (BRD) realignment

Following the finalisation of the high level executive structure and appointment of the Executive Directors a Town Hall meeting was held with BRD staff on 27 November 2019. The Department has now released the draft proposed structure for the remaining executive level. The PSA will consult further with BRD Delegates prior to making a submission to the Department.

In addition to the release of the draft structure, the Deputy Secretary has also announced the move of a number of BRD – CBD based staff to 4 Parramatta Square (this does not affect Professional Standards Authority, Office of the Registrar General and the Emergency Services Levy Monitor) in March 2020.

All affected staff should have by now received the survey and the PSA encourages members with any concerns or needs that will need to be accommodated to participate in the survey. Members wishing to raise any issues in relation to the move with the PSA can do so by emailing: and referencing Call no. 124992

Governance, Risk and Performance RMP

This has been approved following consultation and it is expected that there will be an announcement made soon and following that there will be an assessment process.

Service NSW Digital and Middle Office RMP

The draft RMP is currently in the consultation phase and the PSA will submit a further submission following concerns raised by potentially affected members.

While the draft structure increases the FTE by 10 roles, there are also a number of roles (7) that will be significantly affected/deleted from the structure and the PSA will be raising concerns as to where the work is going.

BRD Murwillumbah office co-location

Consultation has begun with BRD staff in the Tweed region as to a co-location with Service NSW at Murwillumbah. It is anticipated that the move will be in mid-February 2020.

Liquor & Gaming

All staff in L&G will move to Parramatta. Staff were advised by Rose Webb at a Town Hall on Thursday 28 November and via email. A survey is being done where staff can register for special consideration if the move will cause any issues for them.

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