Public Service Commission holds firm on cutting Public Service jobs
As members would know, the PSA has been in dispute with the Public Service Commission (PSC) in relation to the recent restructure. Of particular concern was the cuts to the number of Grade 11/12 and 9/10 positions, with a loss of eight and two positions respectively.
We have had multiple meetings with management and two appearances before the Industrial Relations Commission (IRC). We expressed major concerns regarding the workload for those left behind after such a diminution of positions. We further raised concerns in regard to the impacts on the areas of diversity and inclusion within the PSC. Those impacts will go far and wide across the Public Sector in our view.
It is also anticipated that an increased onus will be placed on other departments with this lessening of support.
We advised members more recently that the PSA had formerly put to the PSC (both in writing and in the IRC) that they retain two more Grade 11/12 positions in the area dealing with diversity and inclusion, and ensure that one of the grade 11/12 positions retain its status as an Aboriginal-identified position.
We received written response from the PSC not accepting our proposal. As we advised them this is most disappointing.
That correspondence is accessible HERE.
We have our next report back before the IRC on 29 October.
Ongoing Consultative Process secured
One of the agreed outcomes from discussions was the need for ongoing consultative processes of which addressing workload issues will be most prominent. For an initial six months we will meet monthly and there will be bimonthly Joint Consultative meetings to follow.
The first meeting was held 15 October. It is clear to the PSA that this is not a quick fix. Not all the impacts of these losses will be immediately evident. We made it clear that we will be communicating with our members on a regular basis and bringing issues to management with the expectation of resolution.
Where the employer deems it reasonable to make cuts in any agency they need to understand that this impacts on the output of work coming from that reduced number of employees.
Members should not lose hours. Members should not work for nothing. Members should not be driven to the point where their health is negatively impacted.
We will be working with our members in PSC to prevent such an overload. To help us achieve this outcome we need ongoing communication with the membership so we are fully aware of issues.
We further need people to stand and assist as either delegates or supports. Currently the PSC has one Delegate. At our next members meeting we will be seeking what you might do, too. A united workplace with members working together is a strong workplace.
It is not hard to conclude that the ongoing cuts from Government have an impact. It impacts on workloads for members and on the Public Service performing its vital role. We do not want to see matters of diversity and inclusion and making the workplace equitable for all be impacted and neglected.
All Public Servants should be concerned as the rights we have fought for are attacked. They should express their views and get those dearest to them to do the same. Those who are not members should join the union. Those who are members can assist in the efforts to strengthen their own workplace by asking others to join.
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