Referral of WHS matters to the external Resource Regulator – consultation
The PSA will be consulting with members on the draft Resources Regulator Memorandum of Understanding and referral protocol policy for WHS matters in the Department of Customer Service (DCS).
DCS has released its proposal for consultation and the PSA will be making a submission regarding the proposal. While the consultation period was originally intended to end on 29 January, following PSA representations DCS agreed to extend the consultation period to 12 February 2021.
The summary of the proposed changes can be found here, the Memorandum of Understanding is here and the fact sheet regarding the change is here.
We will be holding a Teams meeting for members in Gosford on Thursday 4 February at 12:00pm to consult over this issue and hear what you have to say.
Click here to join the meeting
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday.