Rural Fire Service – Award variation update for members
Rural Fire Service – Award Variation update for members – March 2018 (PDF version)
At a request from RFS, the PSA met with them on 21 March 2018 to discuss the principles of the Award Variation. During this meeting the RFS expressed their interest in reviewing the entire Award. The PSA had submitted a log of claims to review the RFS Award in 2015.
In the interest of members and industrial procedure, the PSA has agreed to hold the Award Variation and enter into negotiations for the RFS Award in full. It has always been the PSA’s intention to negotiate the full Award since submitting the log of claims in 2015. The Award Variation was filed to address the live industrial issue identified by the Industrial Relations Commission.
The PSA informed the IRC on 16 March 2018 that the PSA and RFS had agreed to have a series of meetings to negotiate the Award and that the IRC would be updated regularly on the progress of these discussions. Should discussions break down, the PSA will continue with the Award Variation application.
Whilst the PSA and RFS have agreed to negotiate the full Award, the RFS must obtain consent from the NSW Government to commence negotiations. The PSA is due to report back to the IRC on 20 April 2018. In the coming weeks there will be a new Award review survey released to members. It is imperative that all members complete the survey as it will drive the direction of your working conditions.
It is a timely reminder that only PSA members are able to have a legitimate say on working conditions. As a member you will be able to vote on your Award and provide direct feedback to the PSA on your working conditions.
As always the PSA welcomes members’ feedback. Should you have any questions or comments please contact your delegate or the PSA. Further information will be provided to members as the Award negotiations continue.
Further updates
Your union will continue to update members on the developments with the Award Variation and will be visiting workplaces to update members.
If you would like to arrange a meeting at your workplace please email Bart McKenzie .
As always the PSA welcomes member’s feedback. Should you have any questions or comments please contact your delegate firstly and if required the PSA.
Your NSW RFS delegates are:
Your PSA staff:
Andrew Boulton – PSA Industrial Officer
Bart McKenzie – PSA Senior Organiser
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
- Get involved as your Area Contact
- Not a member join online –
- Members can update their details at –