Members would be aware that the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) 2023 People Matter Employee Survey (PMES) results have been released. If you haven’t already viewed the results, you can do so HERE.
The survey results paint a mixed picture of the RFS workforce. On one hand, RFS employees are highly engaged, understanding their roles, supporting RFS values, and striving to improve service delivery. Your union acknowledges these commendable results reflect the unwavering commitment and dedication of RFS staff.
However, not all the results can be viewed in such a positive light. The PSA has identified figures of particular concern, which are hard to ignore:
- Staff Wellbeing: 46% of respondents reported feeling burnt out.
- Communication and Change Management: 17% of respondents indicated a favourable response to communication and change management.
- Intention to Stay: 21% of respondents plan to leave within the next 12-24 months.
- 36% of respondents indicated ‘Senior leadership is of a poor quality’ as their primary reason for their desire to leave the RFS.
- Work Health & Safety: 53% of respondents feel confident that the health and safety issues raised will be addressed promptly, compared to 63% last year.
These results undoubtedly point to issues that the RFS needs to address urgently. However, what truly worries the PSA, and our members, is the recurring themes from previous years. If we examine an eight-year average of what members report as key underlying issues, we seem to be stuck in a PMES Groundhog Day. Observe the following trends:
- Leadership: 24% of respondents feel that senior managers listen to employees. Additionally, 36% of respondents feel that senior managers model the values of my organisation.
- Change Management: 18% of respondents felt that change is managed well in the RFS.
- Recruitment: 30% of respondents fell that the RFS generally selects capable people to do the job.
- Grievances: 28% of respondents have confidence in the ways the RFS resolves grievances.
Given that the senior leadership team at the NSW Rural Fire Service has largely remained unchanged over the past eight years, these issues are far from new and not without their awareness.
The PSA will continue raising these concerns at the most senior level as a matter of urgency.
Your RFS Delegates
Your PSA Organiser
Your PSA Industrial Officer