Service NSW restructure update - Public Service Association

Service NSW restructure update

PSA staff and delegate Trina Leask met with management on 5 December 2024 to continue discussions around the Service NSW restructure.

Wave 1

The eight-week mobility period for employees in Wave 1 is ending now. Impacted staff will be advised that support is moving from mobility advisors to business areas.  There will be priority access to internal job adverts before they go out to external recruitment.  Impacted employees will still get priority access to available roles across the cluster prior to being formally declared excess although they will have to self-match but can contact HR Business Partners for further support.

Wave 2

Stage 3 roles have gone live. There have been more than 100 job opportunities made available through the Employee Resource Hub with more than 60 applications received so far. We remind members to keep checking the employee resource hub for job updates.

Wave 3

Outcomes for 11/12 roles are now occurring, either by phone call or email depending on employee preference. There will be more outcomes advised for lower graded roles in the week beginning 9 December 2024. Unsuccessful employees will get a follow-up welfare check and P&C will also reach out.

The last restructure meeting for 2024 will be held on 12 December. If you have further concerns you would like addressed please contact local delegate Trina Leask on in the first instance.

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