A number of members have contacted the PSA regarding the recent reclassification process. The PSA understands that members who were unsuccessful in their application were advised on 23 May 2022 by Human Resources.
The PSA has met with Human Resources about the reclassification process and issues in interpreting the Award. A review of the caselaw around the Award negotiations back in 2006 has suggested that applications under the “deemed equivalency provisions” would be considered but restricted to existing employees at the time. The PSA is currently seeking legal advice to determine this.
While there may be roadblocks in the current Award to deemed equivalency provisions, the Department acknowledged the inequity of long-standing employees being unable to progress their careers, and committed to consulting with the PSA on a way to recognise equivalent experience going forward.
Your PSA Industrial Staff
Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer
For assistance with any individual matter, please contact the Member Support Centre in the first instance on 1300 772 679.