We are here to support you
It has brought to PSA attention that a recent article in the Guardian has caused concern in your workplace. A friendly reminder from your PSA comrades to comply with State Library policies and procedures. There are obligations and expectations for Public Service Employees when speaking publicly about their organisations whether that be via social media or directly to a media outlet.
Employees as individual members of the community have the right to make public comment and enter into public debate on political and social issues. However, there are some circumstances where this in inappropriate. For example, situations when the public comment, although made in a private capacity, may appear to be an official comment on behalf of the employee’s organisation. In such circumstances, employees should preface their remarks with a comment that they are made in a private (or union) capacity and do not represent the official view of the organisation concerned.
If any allegations regarding these matters are made against you, please contact your PSA Delegates or Industrial Team immediately so we can offer you advice and support.
If you are asked to attend a meeting, find out as much as possible regarding the nature of the meeting and take a support person with you.
If you have received this email by mistake, or you know someone who should have received this email and didn’t, please contact Membership so we can update our records.
PSA Industrial Team
Amy Lennox A/ Industrial Officer
PSA Delegates
Trish Leen
Shauna Miller
Angus Paterson
Gabriel McCann
Emily Mierisch
Adria Castellucci