Corrective Services Non-Custodial Administrative Services Review
Administrative Services Review
Corrective Services has recently concluded a wide-ranging review of all jobs performing financial or administrative functions that support correctional centres, MISE and WISE, including purchasing and warehouse activity, visit booking and reception.
The review did not include Corrective Service Industries or the Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre.
The PSA is deeply concerned about the lack of consultation regarding the review and Corrective Service’s failure to adequately communicate with staff. We requested an urgent meeting with the Commissioner, which took place on 8 December 2014.
The PSA was assured that no decisions following the review have been made, and that none will be made until staff and the PSA have been consulted.
Corrective Services expects to provide a proposal early in 2015 for full consultation.
If you have any questions or concerns about the review, please contact one of the PSA delegates:
- Peter Devine: 4582 2354
0410 797 464
- Craig Wunsch: 8346 1847
- Margaret Duffus: 6560 2717
You can also contact the PSA Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.