CSNSW restructure update for non-custodial members
Following last week’s JCC meeting, on 15 November 2022, PSA staff and delegates met with CSNSW management regarding the current reform.
CSNSW have agreed to further meetings with the PSA after the PSA stressed at the Joint Consultative Committee meeting that the consultation period was too short. There are now 5 weekly meetings to be held starting 18 November 2022. This is positive news, especially for the many members who still have questions and concerns.
Working groups
CSNSW presented a summary of the current work being undertaken by the CSNSW working groups. As members will be aware, the working groups are considering various models for their respective areas within the non-custodial space.
Regarding psychologists, models are being considered for both the community and custodial areas. These models are being assessed in terms of their risks, their benefits and mitigation strategies.
With the MOSPs working group, the focus is on looking at things that haven’t worked in the past and how to address them.
For the CMU/APO, CSNSW stated that the main role of management was to listen to members. CSNSW highlighted that there were lots of different business areas and different roles. CSNSW reiterated that they want genuine consultation in these areas and the working groups are working towards solutions to issues raised.
CSNSW will meet with IDAPT team and OS&P later this week.
In response to this summary the PSA questioned why there wasn’t a working group for Classification and State Sentence Administration, or facts sheets produced for these areas. CSNSW responded and advised that there would only be a structural realignment so that these areas would sit outside the custodial space. In turn the PSA highlighted that this was an example of poor communication on the part of management as members did not necessarily know this.
CSNSW requested any feedback from the PSA regarding the process outlined in the change management plan. The PSA responded by stating that most questions from the membership were particular to the day-to-day operation of the new structure, however one common concern members had was the short timeframe provided for consultation.
The PSA then raised the Education Services Coordinators (grade 7/8) losing their Assessment and Planning Officer (grade 5/6) reports as a specific example representative of the kinds of operational changes members were very concerned about. CSNSW acknowledged our deep concerns regarding this change, however, they did state that the responsibility for BSIL and TAFENSW contractor will remain with ESCs. Further meetings within management will occur regarding the ESC and APO roles. CSNSW also advised that in line with the Commissioner’s 2030 vision of reducing reoffending, there are no plans for “downgrading” education and that education will be ‘bigger and better’. PSA advised that this message has not been made clear to members and that this positive message about education should be part of CSNSW’s communication strategy.
Questions raised by members (Issues Register)
Members have sent the PSA many questions regarding the restructure. CSNSW advised that they were currently sorting these questions into general and specific categories, working from the high level to the granular level. CSNSW also encouraged further questions from the PSA on behalf of members. CSNSW stated that within the next 5 business days feedback on the questions would be provided to the PSA. CSNSW HR have experienced delays with finding answers because many of the enquires have had to be redirected to different parts of CSNSW for information.
The next meeting between the PSA and CSNSW will be on Friday 18 November 2022. Members will be updated as soon as possible following this meeting.
Your PSA Industrial Staff:
Monika Wunderlin – Industrial Officer
Chris Auld – Organiser