Merry Christmas and Happy School Holidays
The PSA General Secretary, Delegates and Staff would like to congratulate you on the work you have done this year.
It’s been a big year! Enjoy your pay rise, your back pay and your larger than usual leave loading. The PSA is delighted to have delivered this historic win to members so that you can have an extra happy holiday break.
Enjoy it – you’ve earned it.
Meeting with Mark Scott, Peter Riordan and Deidre Mulkerin
The PSA met with the Secretary of the Department of Education Mark Scott along with Deputy Secretary, Corporate Services Peter Riordan and Deputy Secretary People & Culture Deidre Mulkerin to discuss the new SASS Award and other issues.
The Department of Education agreed at the meeting to convene an Implementation Committee to work with the PSA on the transition to the new award. The committee will discuss and consult on transition to the new award including the introduction of new positions such as School Learning Support Officer (Student Health Support) and inclusion of the Business Manager roles.
The PSA also raised at the meeting that threatened cuts to School Learning Support Officer (SLSO) hours are being blamed on the pay equity case. This is not correct. The Secretary of the Department advised the PSA that all schools received a substantial increase in their discretionary funding so if hours have been cut or are proposed to be cut it is not as a result of the pay rise but a choice of the Principal.
Expressions of Interest
The PSA has been made aware of a number of Expressions of Interest that have been distributed for positions that do not exist. All positions MUST be in line with the new award and fit within the Statements of Duties and classification descriptors.
Double Check Your Contracts
Members are reminded to always read your contract before signing. If you are asked to sign a contract for one of the new positions, for example the SLSO (SHS), you should seek advice from the PSA first.
First Aid and Administration of Medications – 5 Facts for SAS Staff
The PSA is aware that there is still some confusion around this change to the Statements of Duties in relation to First Aid and Administration of Medications.
Members are reminded that:
- Not all SAS Staff at a school must do first aid or administer medications, you only need to do it if your principal requires you to.
- All SAS Staff that are required to undertake these duties MUST be trained and MUST be in receipt of the allowance.
- Only those staff receiving the allowance should undertake the duties.
- If your school requires more than the allocated allowances a submission can be made to the Department for additional allowances.
- If you are not being paid the allowance or have not been trained do not undertake these duties.
Have a happy holiday break. You are Worth 100%-Paid, Protected, Permanent.