POVB bulletin
Workforce Planning Principles
Members would be aware that last year there was a 2019-2020 workforce planning process set in place.
This year 2020-2021, CSNSW were planning on doing a similar process however POVB raised several concerns due to the PBCAP process and staff that may be displaced due to cuts in centres.
We also have the issue that several centres are running their centres with a large amount of TEs due to the centre closures and restructures and placing staff affected by that process.
Out of this process we have been successful in getting the talent pool for casual to permanent started February 2019 extended to November 2020 rather than it ceasing in February 2020.
CSNSW will put out an EOI for casual to permanent from May 2020 and once that has been finalised will make up a second talent pool.
We have been able to get assurances from CSNSW that the 2019 talent pool will be used first for each centre and when that has been exhausted for the centre the 2020 talent pool will then be used to fill vacancies.
CSNSW have come up with a set of principles on how staff will be appointed, the use of talent pools and transfer lists. These principles will be on the Intranet. The POVB of each location will be consulted on how positions will be filled in your locations.
The process for placing staff effected by the closures has been a long and arduous one for all involved.
For Berrima CC and Illawarra Re-Integration Centre the dates for closing are drawing near. Illawarra Re-Integration Centre is closing 19 March 2020 and Berrima CC is closing 1 April 2020.
Brewarrina CC is closing 14 July 2020, Grafton CC is closing 4 August 2020 and Ivanhoe CC is closing 12 August 2020.
We are hoping that there will be meeting dates for Emu Plains CC and Kariong CC to discuss their restructure by end of this month. As yet we have had no confirmation on what the restructures look like staffing wise.
There is a meeting being organised for the Department of Justice and Communities to discuss the issue and strategies.
We also requested Governors/Managers start to have conversations with POVB, Justice Health and Work Health Safety Committees about contingency plans for their locations if a case is found to be present.
We will be also requesting a meeting with CSNSW to discuss our issues and concerns especially at court locations who have very little to no Justice Health support.
Another meeting took place this week in regards to RITs.
CSNSW has not agreed to an SCO to do the RITs in the interim, on Overtime, in the three locations – SCCC, Bathurst and Shortland.
CSNSW have stated that the process for reviewing the RITs can be done through the benchmarking review process. Bathurst and Shortland are due to start their benchmarking review next week.
If your centre has already been through the review process and if the management team, along with POVB, believe that an SCO is an appropriate option then it can be done through the COPP process for variation to benchmarked agreement.
Contact details
Nicole Jess Chairperson
0427 609 199
Jason Charlton Vice Chairperson
0401 500 976
Amanda Cotter Secretary
0404 042 600
Thor Sutherland Assistant Secretary
0447 633 476
Darren King Country Vice Chair
0407 935 039
Natalie Howes Country Vice Chair
0407 011 441
David McCauley POVB Industrial Officer
0419 022 767
David Bartle POVB Industrial Officer
0418 425 976a