The POVB has lodged a dispute with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) due to the large amount of members’ Increments being deferred by Governors and Managers in breach of the Award and Policy. The POVB State Executive has attempted to consult with CSNSW to resolve this issue on behalf of members who have erroneously had their increments deferred. We are seeking a full review of increment deferrals, so that POVB members can be back paid and placed on their correct pay grade.
This issue was raised to Commissioner Corcoran at the POVB Delegates to Management meeting on Thursday 20 July via the following motion: We, the members of the POVB Management Committee, request that all deferment of Increments be reviewed as they have in most instances been determined by Directors outside of Clause 9 of the Crown Employees (Correctional Officers, CSNSW) Award. This has been raised as an issue at previous POVB Consultative meetings and the POVB State Executive have been advised to raise the issues with Vicki Collins. Only a few of these issues have been resolved, with the Award conditions being ignored by CSNSW. Governors have advised the POVB that HR does not send the increment paperwork in the time described in the Award for the Governor to make the determination and report to the Director four weeks prior to the increment date. The POVB demands that increments are determined as per the Award or this matter will be lodged in the IRC as a dispute.
CSNSW has ignored the POVB’s request to review all increment deferments and we will be lodging the matter as a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission.
Clause 9 (ii) of the Award clearly states: Four weeks prior to the date on which an officer will become eligible for an annual increment of salary, the General Manager shall report to the Division Head or delegate as to the conduct and manner in which the duties of the officer have been performed. In the majority of instances of increment deferrals, General Managers (Governors) have not made the determination to defer the increment four weeks prior to the increment date, and have breached the award.
Furthermore, Governors have determined increments outside of policy, by deferring increments for periods longer than three months, and taking into consideration unsupported sick leave of five days or less in the 12-month period prior to the increment date.
If you have had your increment deferred over the past two years, and you feel the Governor has determined the deferment outside of the Award or policy, please contact the PSA Member Support Centre (MSC), sending the following information to :
- Increment/Progression of Salary and Confirmation of Employment letter This letter is signed by your Governor and states the reason to defer your increment. If the date of the determination is not four weeks prior to the increment date, it is in breach of the award.
- Absence Details Report You should have received this report if your increment has been deferred for more than 5 unsupported sick leave days. If you dispute any of the unsupported sick leave days, please send the MSC any associated medical certificates or evidence.
- Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) If you dispute the PIP where consideration has been given to your conduct, punctuality, performance of duties, attendance & sick leave record.
- Contact details Please provide updated contact details to the MSC in your email, including full name, PSA membership number (if known), work location and contact phone number.
Include in subject line: Increments
POVB State Executive
Jason Charlton (Metro Courts)
Vice Chairperson
Keith Smith (Cessnock CC)
Savannah Walker (Hunter CC)
Assistant Secretary
Andrew Brown (Bathurst CC)
Country Vice Chairs
Darren King (Lithgow CC)
Trevor Clark (Cessnock CC)
Overseer Vice Chair
Gareth Ballard (Lithgow CC)