POVB member bulletin
POVB member bulletin – July 2018 (PDF version)
Uniform Committee Meeting
A Uniform Committee meeting happened last week and issues from members were raised and have been sent to Natalie.
At the meeting it was discussed what happens when a staff member has an issue with clothing that is not sized correctly. CSNSW will be putting out a process that is to be followed. What has been happening is staff are swapping them or not changing them and the distributor is not aware of the problems.
If you have boots that are not wearing properly, please return them to the Administration Officer as the boots have a 2 year warranty. They should be sent back to the distributor to check on the fault and they should be replaced.
We are meeting on 26 July with the distributor to look at women’s pants re the sizing and the inconsistencies in them. At this meeting we will also look at the pants that have been trialled.
Freezer jackets were also discussed and the purchasing of this item will not be included in the $250.00 uniform allocation.
If you have any issues with purchasing these items, please let Natalie Howes or Nicole Jess know.
Police Transport Dispute
Dave McCauley and Jason Charlton have been attending meetings in regards to this dispute. Our stance has always been through this dispute that we will take on the role as long as we are adequately resourced
Casual Policy
We are meeting on Friday to discuss a casual policy. This is to give casuals more clarity in what is expected of them and from CSNSW. Once we have more information we will put it in a bulletin.
Delegates to Management Meeting
We have a Delegates to Management Meeting this month. The dates are 30 July, 31 July and 1 August 2018. It will start at 9.00am on 30 July 2018 at PSA House, 160 Clarence Street, Sydney. A representative (Chairperson if able) from each sub-branch will be attending. If any sub-branch has any motions or issues they would like to raise, can they send them to Natalie Howes or Nicole Jess as soon as possible please. The day that we meet CSNSW management is usually the third day, however, Mr Severin can only meet on 31 July. That meeting will take place at Henry Deane Building. An Agenda will be distributed in the coming weeks to the representatives. If you have not received the detached duty please contact Jason Charlton or Nicole Jess.
Members should have completed the mandatory training in the COPP by now. We have raised on numerous occasions the importance for members to read through the COPP and if they have any issues with any of the policies please let Jason Charlton or Nicole Jess know. As you are aware the COPP is the document that tells staff how to go about their duties. If we do not work to the policy CSNW have been known to discipline staff. Coronial Inquiries and ICAC rely on the policies when making determinations.
It is not an excuse that you were not aware of the policies and it is hard for us to defend that when it is on the intranet. If you review the COPP and find that your centre is not abiding by the COPP it should be raised at the local level and then, if needed, raised to us if it cannot be resolved.
Currently with the benchmarking process we have the following information:
- Cooma, OMPPA, Dawn De Loas and Dillwynia has been signed off by Commissioner Severin.
- PSA has raised concerns with Emu Plains after CSNSW sent PSA the documents. There have been concerns raised with a move to a 12hr/8hr roster. Further meetings will take place to resolve the issue.
- CSNSW have written to PSA and given the benchmarking documents for Kirkconell. PSA have until 13 July to write back with any issues.
- PSA has written back with issues raised to CSNSW on the documents supplied for Long Bay Hospital 1-2 and MSPC 1-4. PSA is waiting to get the feedback on those issues.
- PSA is waiting for CSNSW to supply the documents for Lithgow, Bathurst and Oberon. Once PSA has those documents there will be a timeframe to gather information on any issues and then PSA will write back to CSNSW.
- Goulburn is still in the first phase of the consultation phase.
- MRRC will be given their numbers on 26 July 2018.
- A tour of Berrima and Illawarra Re-Integration Centre to see the role and function of the SCOs in small facilities is still to be organised. As per IRC matter.
- A meeting on Friday, 6 July 2018 is taking place at Mannus due to concerns raised with the numbers in that facility.
- As per an agreed approach between CSNSW/PSA and South Coast CC sub branch a review will take place in July after procedures and practices were changed in that centre.
- Cessnock 1/2 will move into phase three – the implementation phase on 11 July 2018.
The matter is set for a further compulsory conference on 13 August 2018 before Commissioner Murphy with key issues that include the duties undertaken by SCOs under the guide of the ROCI, a review of the matters raised during the visits by Commissioner Murphy at both Long Bay and South Coast.
The POVB Executive will, via Bulletins, endeavour to recognise and support members when serious incidents or members are assaulted. We would also like to recognise and honour staff who retire or pass. We require your assistance in this by giving us the information as we are not always able to go through the IRMs for the incidents/assaults or know in each location who is retiring.
I would like to recognise the efforts of the staff at MSPC on Tuesday, 3 July on the C watch/ B watch. They lost power and had a serious self-harm which could have resulted in the death of the inmate. They were able to work on the inmate under very difficult circumstances and continued to manage the facility. Your efforts proved what the Executive always say to media about how professional we are and the diverse situations we work under.
There were two staff members assaulted last week at Goulburn CC. The Executive have made contact with those members and offered any assistance necessary. The Executive have been working and pushing for an assault committee to take place after any assault on staff. POVB gave feedback on a form that is to be completed when the committee meets. It will be part of the COPP and should be published soon.
Vale Mark Simmons
We would like to honour the passing of Mark Simmons. As everyone would be aware Mark passed last month and he will be missed greatly not only by staff in the EHRU but by many staff/members who had known Mark.
Mark was an officer and person who was highly regarded by all staff that worked with him and knew him. He truly was a gentleman and his boots can never be filled.
RIP Mark Simmons.