POVB welfare bulletin
Introducing Welfare Officer Trish O’Brien
I would like to introduce myself as the newly appointed Welfare Officer. I am based out of the PSA and will be travelling to centres when required. This position is only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at this time, but I am available 24/7 for any staff who require support and assistance.
My substantive position is Senior Correctional Officer at Silverwater Women’s CC. I am the Chair of the WHS Committee, Peer Support and have training in the Stand TLR Program and RAW.
I will be engaging with staff who are involved in serious incidents. I will be able to help them contact external agencies for mental health if required. I will also be assisting staff for disciplinary issues, staff assaults, criminal matters, grief and loss, victims of bullying and harassment etc.
I will be working closely with CSNSW Injury Management in regards to staff on workers’ compensation and checking in on staff who are on long-term compensation. I will be promoting the mental health programs the department has implemented and hope to attend centres to facilitate these programs as soon as possible.
Mental health
As we are in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, I realise all staff are affected one way or another. Maybe you are self-isolating for health reasons, elderly family members, have just returned from overseas, or loss of jobs. Please do not think you are alone. My contact number is at the bottom of this bulletin, feel free to call me at any time. Other numbers that are helpful at this time include:
Benestar 1300 360 364
Lifeline Australia 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Health Direct 1800 022 222
Confidential Helpline 1800 737 732
Mensline 1300 78 99 78
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277
CSNSW has implemented a great program that can be done on your computer in your own time. It assists with resilience, gives you hints of wellness and looking after your mental health. Please go the website below and register, if you have any questions, please call myself or contact Jane Cox, Project Officer at Mental Health, Wellbeing and Resilience.
Enter the code word CSNSW.
Things to remember whilst at work
- Please follow all policies and procedures that have been put in place by CSNSW, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Wear the correct PPE, adhere to social distancing where possible and if you are unsure of what you need to be doing, please contact your COVID-19 Officer.
- As these are trying times for staff, please be mindful that offenders are going to try our patience. They will disobey directions, refuse to enter cells, and just play up in general. Please remain vigilant at all times and always maintain the sight and sound strategy with your colleagues.
- Inmates are not getting their visits, mail is being checked and then checked again; they are going to try and manipulate staff to get what they want. Please be aware of “grooming” from inmates and be mindful that newer staff will need your support and guidance in these times. If anyone feels they are being “groomed” by an inmate report it immediately to a supervisor. If you wish to discuss any concerns on this matter you can contact me or a member of the POVB Executive.
- If you feel as if you are getting overwhelmed at any time, please remember you have great Peer Support Officers in who will also help you.
Trish O’Brien
Mobile: 0412 12 03 91