Commissioned Officers Vocational Branch Update (COVB)
The following is an update for all members of the Commissioned Officers Vocational Branch (COVB).
Security Operations Group Enhanced Model
On 19 August 2024, consultation commenced between Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) and the PSA on the Security Operations Group (SOG) Enhanced Model. Following this, the below model has been agreed upon:
- 209 staffing structure.
- Deletion of nine Assistant Superintendent (AS) roles and the creation of eight Senior Assistant Superintendent (SAS) roles, with an overall loss of one Commissioned Officer role.
- SOG ASs invited to apply for SAS FM roles in first instance (ring fenced).
- Interviews for SAS are scheduled to commence 8 October. COVB Chair Darren Wells will attend as observer.
- It is proposed go live date 21 October 2024.
Corrections Intelligence Group Enhanced Model
Consultation between CSNSW and the PSA on the Corrections Intelligence Group (CIG) Enhanced Model commenced on 11 September 2024. Following consultation, the below model has been agreed upon:
- Proposed 209 staffing structure.
- Deletion of five AS roles and the creation of five SAS roles. No loss of Commissioned Officer roles.
- CIG Ass are invited to apply for SAS FM roles in first instance. This process is ring-fenced.
- Duty Officer reporting function will move to Statewide Operations (SWO).
- It is proposed go live 21 October 2024.
Duty Officer relocation to Statewide Operations
Consultation between CSNSW and the PSA on the Duty Officer relocation to Statewide Operations is commencing 25 September 2024. Below is the current proposed model:
- Existing five-day SASs will become 5/7 SASs to cover weekend Duty Officer requirements.
- Creation of two additional seven-day SAS roles.
- Overall gain of four Commissioned Officer roles.
We understand that the move from five-day to 5/7 SAS roles is concerning to our members and this will be discussed in consultation.
Section 52(1) Determination – #4 – 2024
The determination [here] provides CSNSW with consistent guidance for the payment of overtime to centre management staff when additional hours are worked during periods of unplanned, short-term and substantial staffing shortages that impact staffing levels and operational continuity as a result of industrial action. The determination is in effect until 30 June 2025.
Overtime entitlements will be paid at the employee’s substantive hourly rate and calculated at the rate of time-and-a-half for the first two hours of overtime worked and double time thereafter.
The COVB State Executive and CSNSW potentially disagree on how the determination is interpreted. CSNSW views the determination as only applying during periods of POVB industrial action, whereas the COVB views the determination as also applying per AC (Custodial Corrections) Memorandum 2022/17 – Filling Daily Roster Vacancies & Variable Operating Routines in CC.
Executive Officers are Sequence 7 for overtime and in our view, this can only occur as the result of a substantial staffing shortage impacting staffing levels. Therefore, executive staff should be paid overtime as per the section 52(1) determination.
A meeting is scheduled with CSNSW for 30 September 2024 to discuss the application of the determination.
COVB cash-out of leave
In 2023, CSNSW chose to reinterpret your award to require leave accruals to be placed into one of two “buckets”. For the cashing-out of leave to occur, there must be leave accrued in the appropriate bucket. To the best of our knowledge, the concept of two buckets of leave has not been considered prior to 2023.
The PSA sent correspondence to CSNSW on 28 August 2024, seeking a continuation of the customary procedure for the cash-out of leave, without requiring leave balances in an appropriate bucket.
To date the PSA has not received a formal response from CSNSW. Once a response has been received, we will update our members and if necessary, consider the next steps.
Offender tablets
The COVB received the following update on Offender Tablets (OTAB) at the consultative on 19 September 2024:
- 516 staff are trained across nine sites.
- Fifteen worksite champions have been identified.
- CSNSE aims to have all sites trained by the end of the year.
- Operational issues continue in several centres, with junior staff not adhering to COPP 8.16. This is causing ongoing OTAB management problems.
Further discussions with CSNSW are planned and we will keep our members updated.
Assignment at grade
The COVB have raised ongoing concerns about SASs’ ability to transfer at grade. The COVB preference is to see a similar system implemented for SASs that currently exists for non-custodial staff, including Service and Programs Officers, Psychologists, and Senior Service Integration Managers.
This process provides greater transparency with voluntary mobility.
The COVB/PSA will be scheduling further consultation with CSNSW on this.
Staff Support, Culture and Wellbeing
The COVB will be writing to A/Commissioner Leon Taylor to express our ongoing frustration with the Staff Support, Culture and Wellbeing Unit (SSCW). This includes the slow recruitment and implementation process and concerns raised by our members.
SSCW has also failed to attend the Delegates to Management (DTM) and most recent consultative, despite SSCW concerns being placed on the agenda by the COVB.
In March 2023, we were told in an email that “we are mobilising in this space” in reference to the SSCW but we are still not seeing significant engagement or mobilisation.
Body scanners
The COVB raised Deputy Commissioner’s (Security & Custody) Memorandum 2024/39 – Resumption of X-Ray Body Scanning in CC’s. The COVB questioned the number of IA42 radiation user licences handed in.
We were advised of ongoing issues at Bathurst CC & Lithgow CC, with a very low number of licence holders.
The COVB is seeking information from CSNSW about how many licences there are in each correctional centre and the contingency plans in correctional centres with low licence holder numbers.
Searching of staff, visitors and inmates
The COVB raised concerns at the consultative in relation to staff searching in a recent POVB bulletin. The COVB view is that all staff should adhere to CI 2024/06 – Routine & Random Searches of Staff, Visitors & Inmates – which outlines obligations under COPP 17.3 and Section 253J of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999.
Roles & Responsibilites Review
The COVB were advised by Statewide Operations at the consultative meeting on 19 September 2024, that pilot sites and roll out dates are still to be determined.
Aware Super insurance cover
PSA representatives attended an Aware Super presentation on 28 August 2024.
Income protection (IP) under Aware Super changed from 1 September 2024 for the high-risk employment category (custodial) from $3000 per month to $7000 per month.
Aware is in the process of finalising some scenarios, examples and flyers to demonstrate IP availability to CSNSW staff.
Representatives from Aware will be attending the DTM in November to present the new cover to delegates.
Geoffrey Pearce Remembrance Day
Geoffrey Pearce AOM, sadly passed away on 31 August 1997, after being stabbed by an inmate with a HIV-contaminated syringe on 22 July 1990, at Long Bay’s Metropolitan Reception Prison.
In 2020, then CSNSW Commissioner Peter Severin announced that the Outer Metropolitan Multi-Purpose Correctional Centre (OMMPCC) would be known as the Geoffrey Pearce Correctional Centre (GPCC).
Geoffrey Pearce Remembrance Day honours the bravery and commitment of Officer Pearce and acknowledges the challenging situations CSNSW staff face each day. The day involves a memorial service, followed by a staff ceremony and team barbeque with the presentation of medals and awards.
The inaugural Geoffrey Pearce Remembrance Day was held on 31 August 2022. It was again celebrated in 2023.
The 2024 Remembrance Day was scheduled for Monday 2 September, as 31 August fell on a Saturday. This year CSNSW did not provide funding to enable the service to be held as a stand-alone event. Due to a lack of funding in 2024 from CSNSW, PSA General Secretary Stewart Little endorsed PSA funding to allow the memorial service to proceed.
Inmate Cell Placement reviews
The COVB raised concerns about the practical implementation, duplication and workload requirements to comply with Deputy Commissioner (Security & Custody) memorandum 2024/33 – Inmate cell placement reviews, mandatory cell card colours and custodial observations and subsequent changes to COPP section 5.2 inmate accommodation.
We were informed that the policy implementation is currently on hold to enable further consultation to take place.
A meeting is scheduled with CSNSW 26 September 2024.
Special Commission of Inquiry
The NSW Government has accepted all 31 recommendations of the inquiry into the Offending of Wayne Astill either in full or in principle.
Initial funding of $30 million has been announced, including hundreds of new CCTV cameras, more K9 drug detection dogs and the establishment of an external advocacy service for female inmates.
The COVB requested further information in relation to the implementation of the recommendations and the investment announcements.
A meeting is to be scheduled with CSNSW to consult on this further.
Inmate Discipline Review
On 21 August 2024, the NSW Ombudsman handed down a report titled Investigation into inmate Discipline in NSW Correctional Centres.
The report coincided with a CSNSW Strategy and Governance review into the inmate discipline process.
At the consultative, the COVB sought an update into the review, especially the comments that had been made about the Ombudsman report and inmate discipline in the NSW Budget estimates hearings. However, as no-one from Strategy and Governance was in attendance, a further briefing / meeting will be scheduled.
Cessation of Remand Bed Placement
The COVB sought an update on cessation of the Remand Bed Placement (RBP) plan and expressed concerns about increased workload for FM’s with the cessation of RBP.
Unfortunately, no representatives from Sentence Management were present at the consultative meeting and an out-of-session briefing will be arranged.
Machinery of Government
It was announced on 16 August 2024, that from 01 October 2024 CSNSW will become a stand-alone agency, with the Commissioner reporting directly to the Minister of Corrections.
The COVB has sought an update on Machinery of Government (MoG) changes and expected outcomes at the consultative.
Concerns were raised about how the Professional Standards & Investigations (PSI) process will work when PSI remains with DCJ, such as access to CSNSW staff, databases, delegations and facilities.
Because no-one from Strategy and Governance was in attendance at the Consultative, a follow -up meeting will be scheduled.
PSA loan of service
COVB State Secretary, Dave Freyer is currently undertaking a 12-month full time loan of service with the PSA. His role is Industrial Officer with the PSA Justice Team with his current portfolio including SEAG, COVB and non-custodial staff within CSNSW.
Dates to remember
- COVB DTM: 27 & 28 November 2024
- CSNSW Remembrance Day & Memorial Ride: 29 November 2024