Crown Solicitor’s Office: Dispute update
Following recent members’ meetings, the PSA filed a dispute in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) regarding the CSO’s proposed change management plan for the CSO areas of Finance & Support Services, and Enterprise Systems Organisational Structures. This dispute was before Commissioner Webster this week.
The PSA lodged this dispute because the CSO sought to exclude a PSA delegate from the consultation process regarding the restructure. The CSO claimed the delegate in question had a conflict of interest as they were also affected by the restructure. The PSA contested this and submitted to Commissioner Webster that delegates of the PSA are chosen by the PSA membership. The PSA then pressed the CSO for an answer as to why they had elected to ban the delegate in question and to explain the conflict they have cited. However, the CSO failed to provide an answer. Instead the CSO simply reversed its position and advised that there was no conflict of interest.
The timeframe for consultation has also been extended to 29 January 2020 as a result of the PSA putting pressure on the CSO by filing the dispute. At the IRC, the PSA emphasised there are a number of substantive issues with the proposed structure. Particularly, members foresee that existing workload pressures will be exacerbated if the structure is implemented as it is, and work will subsequently overflow to the teams. This situation stems from the broader chronic workload issues across the CSO and the significant shortcomings of Elite – matters which the PSA has raised with the CSO throughout the year. As such extra time to consult on the changes with the CSO is paramount.
The PSA and PSA delegates will meet with the CSO to voice concerns expressed by members before the end of the year and members will be updated.
Your PSA staff
Alex Sala Organiser
Monika Wunderlin Industrial Officer
What can you do?
- Encourage your colleagues to join the PSA online at
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.