Department of Education FAQS on Personal Development Plans – May 2017 (PDF version)
Is there a ban on participating on Performance and Development (P&D)?
There is no PSA ban on the implementation of Performance and Development (P&D).
The ban imposed in July 2016 was lifted by resolution of the Departmental Committee at its meeting on 8 December 2016. A process of consultation and communication about implementation is occurring, in which the PSA (and the DoE) raise discuss and resolve issues, including identifying and/or addressing any operational issues arising from the implementation of P&D on an ongoing basis.
What has happened since then?
The PSA has been meeting regularly with DoE representatives.
The group consists of PSA SAS staff delegates and industrial staff, and representatives of the DoE Implementation Team.
What is the PSA’s role?
The PSA’s role is to provide input about the P&D process and content, based on member concerns. It will provide feedback to members and resolve member issues.
What is being discussed?
In meetings so far this year, the PSA has consulted on:
- respective staff roles and responsibilities
- the appropriateness and availability of the training including content and delivery
- workload impacts
- SMART( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) goals.
What has been achieved?
- Clarification that the line supervisor will usually be the P&D supervisor.
- Continuing input into the training content and delivery.
- Identification of member of issues, such as workload.
At its latest meeting on 18 May the PSA raised concerns and questions about
- Short Term Temporary staff and Performance and Development Plans (PDPs)
- Staff working across several sites as permanent or in different SAS Staff classifications
- Training delivery
- Number of SMART Goals
- Measurement of goals and the process available for staff for non-agreement with goals or on outcomes
- Time to undertake PDPs
- Distinguishing the processes of performance and development, and performance management
- Workload impacts.
What training is available?
P&D training is available through eLearning. The training is not compulsory, but the PSA recommends that you undertake the training before commencing the P&D process. By understanding the process you will get more value from your participation. Under your Award (Section 11: Training and Development), SAS staff have an obligation to maintain and update their skills and the Department has an obligation to provide the opportunities to do this.
When do I do the training?
The training is designed to occur during working hours. The PSA’s position is all authorised work beyond ordinary hours should be paid overtime (including the option of time in lieu), in accordance with Section 11 Training and Development of your Award.
How many goals do I need?
The P&D procedures and documentation provide for three-to-five goals and the PSA has discussed this requirement extensively with the Implementation Team, in particular its workload impacts.
The team’s response is that while a principal may require this, there is scope for abridged goals or a reduced P&D cycle during the implementation phase, which includes having one goal. Other appropriate scenarios could include developing group goal/s, or applying the P&D process to a current project, such as LMBR cash receipting.
The PSA understands the DoE will place more information on its intranet site to clarify this.
If there is any difficulty in discussing and agreeing appropriate alternatives in your school, please advise the PSA.
Who is my line supervisor?
The PSA has reached agreement on the appropriate information to be provided to schools.
The training information for supervisors now includes the statement “PDP supervisors will generally be the day-to-day supervisors of staff, consistent with their statements of duty”.
The DoE Implementation Team has agreed to update the DoE FAQs to include this addition.
How will the goals be measured?
The use of SMART goals should assist in establishing whether goals have been achieved.
In the DoE Procedures document, section 5.5 (Assessing Performance) outlines the process of review, and section 5.9 (Resolving Concerns) addresses the process if there is disagreement, with an emphasis on informal and local resolution.
The Complaints Resolution procedures should be used initially if there is no resolution.
The PSA is able to assist in this process.
How is P&D managed where members work across several sites as permanent or as Long Term Temporary staff, or in different SAS Staff classifications?
While this will be decided by the respective principals, it is expected practicality will apply and common sense will be exercised. For example, a member would participate in the P&D process in their dominant classification.
Again, if there is any difficulty in making appropriate arrangements, members should contact the PSA.
Are short-term temps required to undertake PDPs?
The procedures state that there is no requirement to undertake PDPs where the term of temporary employment is under ten weeks.
What process is available when there is disagreement about goals or final outcome?
If this is unable to be resolved between the supervisor and staff member then the complaints process can be used.
Members are able to be supported by the PSA during this process.
I am concerned PDPs will be used as a performance management tool and not for development.
The PSA has discussed this with the DoE Implementation Team members, who said they have taken steps to ensure this will not happen.
However, the need for the clear separation of processes of managing for performance and development, and performance management, will be monitored and discussed further with the DoE.
If you have any other P&D questions or would like to give your feedback on your experience or need the PSA to assist you with a P&D issue you can email the PSA at with the subject line ‘P&D’.
Be part of the collective. JOIN the PSA to support PSA SAS staff members and make a difference.
For further information contact the PSA to organise a meeting on 1300 772 679.