Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Structural Reform Restructure - Public Service Association

Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Structural Reform Restructure

Thank you to the PSA members who provided feedback on the Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Structural Reform Restructure. Your insights are vital to ensure we effectively represent your interests.

PSA raised a number of concerns:


PSA mirrored the concerns raised by members regarding how staff were informed their roles and area of work was being deleted, some two weeks before other FRNSW staff and PSA were formally notified of changes to the structure. Highlighting that the lack of care shown towards these employees was not consistent with the NSW Public Service values of integrity, trust and accountability. We questioned the reasoning behind the change, given the revenue generated by ComSafe and the valuable service it provides to NSW.

Structural Change

Deletion of 19 non-executive FTE Roles, deletion of 1 Director (SES B1)

Creation of 15 non-executive FTE Roles, creation of 5 Senior Executive band roles

PSA queried the adjustments to classifications and available roles and asked how this proposed structure will provide progression and promotion opportunities to assist FRNSW in achieving its Learning and Development objectives.

The information provided to the PSA shows whole directorates moving with no clarification of the number of roles. Some roles are highlighted as transferring into other branches, however the information provided did not show where roles were transferring from. There are 15 roles identified as transferring, PSA asked for clarification if more people are impacted by these changes.

Change Management Plan (CMP)

PSA provided feedback on the CMP, including what support would be provided to employees who are without a role after Step 1 (At Grade assignment to Roles), given that it some employees may not have gone through a recruitment process in some time.

We also asked that an additional step be included to allow Temporary staff and those on Talent Pools who have undergone merit-based recruitment to be eligible to participate in an EOI process prior to any external recruitment activity occurring at Step 3. The proposed CMP has Temporary staff able to apply or be assigned to a role under Rule 12 of the Government Sector Employment Rules at Step 3, meaning they are being considered alongside external applicants.

Workforce Mobility Placement Program (WMP)

The WMP Program is a new step for employees impacted by restructures, and was introduced last year to retain talent, facilitate mobility and reduce redundancy and recruitment expenses.  Your industrial representatives will ensure that proper process is followed in line with this policy and relevant legislation. You can access the WMP HERE

Need Assistance?

For members seeking advice or support, please reach out to our PSA Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679 or by emailing . Our Team is ready to assist you with navigating the CMP and understanding your rights.

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