Prison Officer Vocational Branch Legal Fund: Are you covered? - Public Service Association

Prison Officer Vocational Branch Legal Fund: Are you covered?

After an extensive audit carried out over the past four months, it has become apparent that many PSA members who are in the Prisoner Offic Vocational Branch are not also in the POVB Legal Fund!

The legal fund will cover you for any criminal matters that arise in the course of your employment. It will also mean you get representation for any coronial matter.

In the past, we have had POVB members learn too late that they were not in the Legal Fund. In one case, this meant a member had to pay more than $100,000 in legal fees for a matter that would have been covered if they were in the fund. Even a coronial investigation can cost a member tens of thousands of dollars.

The legal fund is the best insurance you will ever get for $4.00 a fortnight, and it is all tax-deductable.

Being a member of the POVB Legal Fund also allows your beneficiary an extra $5,000 on top of the existing PSA provident fund payout of $4,000 in the event of your passing, a total of $9,000.

To update your beneficiary, complete the form HERE and email to .

We encourage all PSA POVB members to join the POVB Legal fund by completing the form HERE and email it to

If you are unsure of your Legal Fund status please call 1300 772 679 or email .

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