Rural Fire Service – Management seeking feedback
Rural Fire Service – Management seeking feedback – June 2019 (PDF version)
The PSA met with the NSW Rural Fire Service on Friday, 14 June 2019. Deputy Commissioner Rob Rogers was very clear that he wants as much feedback as possible from all levels of the organisation. He expressed the Eight Area Management Model was about achieving a lean structure that supports and delivers to the districts and organisation.
The basic principle expressed was:
- More staff in rural areas which will result in more support to districts.
- Area Commanders and District Managers will determine what work flows/functions will be moved from districts to Area Commands. Obviously though there will need to be some level of State consistency.
- The structure is not set and could change based on feedback.
- Tasks are not set.
- DC Rogers has read and is intending to read all submissions made.
The RFS has asked the PSA to pass on its request for your ideas.
The PSA suggests you consider the following when submitting your feedback.
Strategic level
- Areas – what should they be (think complexity, risk, known fire paths)?
- Area structures – what do you think it should look like?
- Area office location – where should they be and why?
- Ideas on work tasks and flows that could be adjusted/modified.
- Area specific risks/issues that may not apply to other areas.
Staff positions
The RFS has agreed to provide a full list of all vacancies across the Service for impacted staff to consider, not just the positions in the Area Command structure.
Second round of feedback
The PSA expressed desire for a second round of feedback when final Areas and Structures are announced. The RFS is very against this due to the number of positions being held open and proximity to fire season along with the cascading impact that may occur. The PSA will continue to push for a second round of feedback to ensure affected members have clear employment opportunities without the loss of conditions and that the structure brings realistic positive change. If a second round of feedback occurs it is likely to be a short amount of time, five days or less for example.
- You can submit directly
- Submit via your PSA Delegate – they will send in your PDF document, name removed if you wish.
- Submit to PSA for collation into a group response – by emailing
Your NSW RFS delegates are:
Your PSA staff:
Ben Trainor – PSA Industrial Officer
What can you do?
- Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.
- Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.
- Ask a colleague to join the PSA.
- Get involved as your Area Contact