Union wins 3.3 per cent increase for transferred AU Home Care staff in 2017
The PSA/CPSU is pleased to inform Australian Unity members that, after submissions made by our peak union body, the Fair Work Commission has awarded a 3.3 per cent annual increase in modern award pay rates. This will also flow onto Australian Unity staff covered by Crown Employees (Home Care Service of New South Wales – Administrative Staff) Award 2012.
The Annual Wage Review decision provides certainty for transferred staff after the NSW Government failed to secure future increases for Home Care employees transferred to Australian Unity.
In 2016 Australian Unity advised us it was under no obligation to increase the pay of transferred staff in line with movements in the NSW public sector in 2016. However, the PSA/CPSU challenged this, negotiating with Australian Unity directly to win you the 2.5 per cent increase backdated to July 2016.
As with last year’s increase, the 2017 pay rise is linked to the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review decision.
We understand Australian Unity has been experiencing some payroll issues, but we expect staff to receive the 3.3 per cent increase in their pay packet from the first pay period in July 2017.
PSA/CPSU Protecting your conditions into the future
As we previously reported, Australian Unity has approached the PSA/CPSU to gauge our interest in transitioning to an enterprise agreement. While some preliminary discussions have been held, the company is yet to provide a response.
In February 2018 your two-year employment guarantee period expires. After that, there are a number of possibilities which could affect your employment, pay and conditions, and it’s likely the company will seek to renegotiate employment arrangements.
Collectively, as a union, we will negotiate with your employer. The mechanism for this is Enterprise Bargaining. To secure the best possible outcome for PSA/CPSU members in 2018 and the years ahead it is vitally important that we preserve our strong union.
If you know anyone who is not in the PSA/CPSU, explain to them that the union represents members only. Ask your colleagues who aren’t yet members to: Join today – it pays to belong!
We’d like to thank members and delegates for their continued support. If you would like to arrange a members’ meeting, please contact your delegate, organiser or email .